So I’m kind of handy and creative at sporadic moments. I’m making a 32 page Dungeon Fantasy Campaign Book, A5, to help me whip up my games. I’m a BIG fan of layered pdf’s and fillable forms in pdf so you will be able to do all of that with it. I will also offer it for free to everyone as I have a thing about making money off hobby stuff (stops being a hobby).
Here is what will be on the pages so far
Page 1: Cover, you can insert your own images, Title, Campaign Segment Number.
Page 2: Campaign Overview
Page 3: Campaign Overview cont. Campaign Checklist to help stay on track
Page 4: Text Box
Page 5: Layered Graph section
Page 6: Top half Layered Graph, bottom half Double Column Text box
Page 7: Encounter Sheet. A place to list the encounters and maybe some tick boxes to use for HP/FP tracking.
Repeat Pgs. 4-7 until page 15 (total of 3 sets)
Pages 16 & 17 Middle full page map/image spread
Pages 18-21 Same as 4-7
Pages 22-25 PC overview
Page 26-27 NPC/Monster overview
Page 28 Random Encounter tables
Page 29 Random loot table
Pages 30 & 31 Game notes
Page 32 Back cover, maybe some game aides.

The colour can be switched off to just black and white.
The NPC/Monster and PC overview is just going to be Attributes, a few lines for skill/power so only the most used or important. Armor and a few weapons. Very basic but enough to allow the GM to keep tabs on things without having to scroll through a full sheet.
The Graph Paper pages gives you six layers to choose from

left to right Lined Paper, Geomorph Tile, Geomorph Map, Square Graph, Isometric Graph, Blank for inserting image.
The half page option is much the same as above but only offers the top half for the graph and bottom half for writing. I’ll keep posting as I make progress.