I like to get inspiration from video games which I think is only natural as they got their ideas from Tabletop RPG’s. However many games will have several, if not up to a dozen, different subclasses of the same creature. Let’s take the Diablo franchise. Between I & III there are over 12 types of zombies. So I thought it would be fun to make some of them as a little surprise to my players. I have yet to get GURPS Zombies so please take that into consideration. I may have made a few mistakes in this. Such as I don’t know if the Drowned Carcass needs a special Advantage to be able to transform into a Crawling Torso and I disagree with the Disadvantage Lame (Legless) to have a Basic Move of 0 as it does not take into account the ability to crawl or drag yourself by your arms. However I can imagine this to be a fun turn of events as I remember to my surprise the first time a Walking Corpse turned into a Crawling Torso in Diablo III
Please feel free to add some suggestions on how to fix any issues I may have overlooked.

Template: Drowned Carcass (Zombie) -168 points
Drowned Carcasses are found in/near bodies of water like lakes, ponds, swamps, rivers, etc. Their bodies are bloated from time spent within the depths of the water. They move slower and are less intelligent than bog standard Zombies (pun intended) but have a higher strength to compensate. The touch of a Drowned Carcass carries with it the cold of the deep water which will cause fatigue damage to exposed skin.
Attribute Modifiers: ST+2 {20}; IQ-3 {-60}; HT+1 {10}.
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Move -1 {-5}; HP +4 {8}
Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity (All Mind Control); Innate Attack: Cold {6}; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving); Temperature Tolerance 10; Unaging; Unfazeable;
Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal); Automaton; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly); Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Single-Minded; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total); Wealth (Dead Broke)
Quirks: Sexless {-1}
Skills: Brawling 10 (DX+0, 1), [B182]; Wrestling 9 (DX-1, 1) [B228]
Chilling Touch: Innate Attack: 1D+1 fat (Melee Attack: Reach C -30%, Contact Agent (no AoE) -30%) [6]
The Drowned Carcass has one in three chance of transforming into a Crawling Torso upon it’s ‘death’. It is at this time a new monster with the sacrifice of its lower Torso to heal it and transform it into a new creature. It loses it’s Innate Attack.

Template: Crawling Torso (Zombie) -178 points
A Crawling Torso is the remains of the lower half of a Zombie. These pathetic, yet disturbing creatures will lay in wait for its victims grabbing at their legs and feet and to trip them up so they might crawl on top to consume their prey.
Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 {10}; IQ-2 {-60}; HT+1 {10}.
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Move +4 {20}; HP +4 {8}
Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity (All Mind Control); Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving); Temperature Tolerance 10; Unaging; Unfazeable;
Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal); Automaton; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly); Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Lame (Legless); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Single-Minded; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total); Wealth (Dead Broke)
Quirks: Sexless {-1}
Skills: Brawling 10 (DX+0, 1), [B182]; Wrestling 9 (DX-1, 1) [B228]
Note: Lame (Legless) disadvantage gives a Basic Move of 0, hence the need for an increased Basic Move +4 to indicate rapid crawling. The Crawling Torso can not move and attack with its arms, but can move and attack with Bite.