Well it considering my last post this could not have come at a better time. Humble Bundle is having a mixed bundle of 3D printable dungeons! I know these are <yuk> square grids and not the majestic hexagon dungeons I prefer but it is a start into the realm of making a physical Mega Dungeon!
Fat Dragon Games, Black Scrolls Games, Hobgoblin-3D, and Iain Lovecraft have all contributed to this Bundle to help raise money for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.

Until I either learn how how to 3D model my own dungeons (because I have soooo much time on my hands) these will be a good place to start my delving into 3D printed dungeons. Get your while the sale is on and help support a good cause. You also get 30% off from one of the contributors on your first purchase!

Note: User registration required to redeem discount. Limit one redemption per account.
Offer expires 6/30/19 at 11:59pm Pacific