The one thing that either GURPS Dungeon Fantasy or Dungeon Fantasy RPG powered by GURPS has been missing is a solid Bestiary or Monster book. Sure you can find a 16 page pdf but that is a pamphlet. Or you had bits and pieces throughout different DFRPG books and Pyramid magazines.
Gaming Ballistic have announced the Nordlonðr Óvinabókin coming very soon to Kickstarter. Click on the link and save so you will be notified when it goes live! We are looking at a book of well over 200 monsters! This is something that has been desperately needed in DFRPG!
Many of the creatures correspond 1:1 with creatures from That Other Game. This should make it easier to just pick up a premade adventure module (something else lacking in DFRPG) and start playing.
So click the link and follow the campaign and help get what we deserve! A solid Bestiary and Enemies Book for DFRPG!
While your at it head over to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG fan page on FaceBook where we are running a Delvers to Grow contest. You could win a Gaming Ballistic pdf of your choice! Just look at the top of the page under features for contest rules