I have two types of DF games. One is kept completely underground, the other is a standard fantasy world except horses are rare. Instead dinosaurs are the main beasts of burden and wilderness threat. The Elmisaurus is one of the animals that has been domesticated in my campaigns. They can be found in cities and almost all Elmisaurus (EL-mih-SAWR-us) you will come across are domesticated pets. They are great at catching unwanted pests such as rats and Xiaosaurus. They are 6.6 feet long, about 3 feet at the shoulder a weigh in at 70-100 lbs. They come in a dazzling display of patterns and are normally light purple, white, black with small in frequent orange spots. In the wild they are generally found in Warm temperate areas and are found in small groups 1d+2. They rarely attack humans unless they outnumber the target and are extremely hungry.
ST: 9 HP: 9 Speed: 7.25
DX: 16 Will: 3 Move: 7
IQ: 3 Per: 12
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 0
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 1
Attack (Skill or Resistance):
- Claws, Sharp: 1d-2 cut C,1
- Striker, Tail: 1d-1 cr C,1
- Teeth, Sharp: 1d-3 cut C
Traits: Acute Taste & Smell 1 [2, B35]; Bestial -10 [B124]; Cannot Speak -15 [B125]; Claws, Sharp (Feet) 5 [B42] Claws, Blunt (Hands) [3, B42]; Combat Reflexes 15 [B43]; Damage Resistance 1 – Tough Skin, -40% [3, B47]; Fit 5 [B55]; Hidebound -5 [B138]; Peripheral Vision 15 [B74]; Restricted Diet (Carnivore or Herbavore) -20 [B151]; Striker, Crushing (Tail) 5 [B88]; Taboo Trait (Fixed IQ) 0 [B263]; Teeth, Sharp 1 [B91]or Teeth, Blunt [0, B91]
Skills: Brawling DX+0 [1, B182]; Stealth DX-1 [1, B222]; Survival (choose one) Per-1 [1, B223]; Tracking Per-1 [1, B226]
Class: Dinosaur, Animal
Notes: Omnivore