Xiaosaurus (Zhou-SAWR-us) is a small, lightly-built dinosaur. It is an herbivore and a fast, agile runner. It is small and lizard-like, about 5 feet (1.5 m) long, one foot high and weighs about 15 lbs. It walks on two long legs, has four-toed feet, five-fingered hands, short arms, a long, stiff, pointed tail, a flexible neck, and a small head with large eyes. It has leaf-shaped cheek teeth. They pose no threat in the wild but can be a nuisance in urban areas.
ST: 4 HP: 4 Speed: 7.25
DX: 16 Will: 2 Move: 7
IQ: 2 Per: 12
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: -4
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a DR: 1
Attack (Skill or Resistance):
- Bite: 1d-6 cr SL: 16
- Kick: 1d-5 cut, Reach: C,1, SL: 14
- Tail Lash: 1d-4 cr, SL: 14
- Claws: 1d-6 cut SL: 16
Traits: Acute Taste & Smell 1 [2, B35]; Bestial -10 [B124]; Cannot Speak -15 [B125]; Claws, Sharp (Feet) [3, B42]; Combat Reflexes 15 [B43]; Damage Resistance 1 – Tough Skin, -40% [3, B47]; Fit 5 [B55]; Hidebound -5 [B138]; Penetrating Voice [1, B101]; Peripheral Vision 15 [B74]; Restricted Diet (Herbavore) [-20, B151]; Striker, Crushing (Tail) 5 [B88]; Taboo Trait (Fixed IQ) 0 [B263]; Teeth, Blunt [0, B91]
Skills: Brawling DX+0 [1, B182]; Survival (choose one) Per-1 [1, B223]; Tracking Per-1 [1, B226]
Class:Dinosaur, Animal