RPG Hexagon Battlegrid by PWORK Wargames

RPG Hexagon Battlegrid by PWORK Wargames

Sometimes living in the UK makes it difficult to get RPG items compared to when I lived in the States.  One of those items is a Hex Grid Mat to use for GURPS.  The Chessex ones can cost up to £50.00 or more after shipping.  I’ve seen some others for £35.00 so I was getting frustrated at the lack of Battlemaps for GURPS.  There are many square mats out there for D&D and other games but they lack the functionality of the hex which I have always found better for tactical games.

I noticed that PWORK had a square mat for 21,00 € and I have purchased their products in the past so I contacted them and asked if they would design a hex grid mat that had the dimensions of 1in (25.4mm)  from flat to flat, and 1.15 in (29.33) from corner to corner per hex. They were more than happy to oblige for a small design fee and for less than £35.00 I now have the Hexagon Battlegrid currently speeding its way to me!

I will have it in my hands before the Dungeon Fantasy Box Set arrives which I’ve been told has been shipped to the European distributors.


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