Both Steve Jackson Games and Gaming Ballistic had successful KickStarters this month! SJG had the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint with 1,019 backers pledged $54,741 getting one stretch goal allowing for 4 more pages and a journal. There were many add-ons as well which I took advantage of.

Gaming Ballistic had The Citadel at Norðvorn600 backers pledged $26,030, hitting four stretch goals! Each one expanding the page count and the final stretch goal for an offset print run! Plenty of add-ons for this KickStarter as well!
I think the message is clear that there is enough interest in DFRPG and GURPS to keep things moving forward. Douglas Cole from Gaming Ballistic has already hinted at the next installment! I wonder what will be next from SJG?